Monday, May 18, 2009

Hands-On Science: Static Electricity.

Kris Correira's first ever Hands-On Science webinar went great! It was so fun to watch her do live experiments for us as she explained what was happening and why. She kept an eye on the chat and answered our questions through it all. I can't wait until the next one in the series.

In this first webinar of the Hands-On Science series, Kris Correira will explore the power of static electricity and share how you can bring the same science experiments to your home either for fun or for homeschool.

Kris Correira is a homeschooling mom to 3 boys. She works part time as a physician assistant in an busy emergency department and a paramedic instructor at a community college; she is also a volunteer science teacher for her local homeschool co-op. She has inspired a love of science in her children through lots of hands-on learning and science books without any textbook or curriculum. See what experiments she has for fun hands-on science homeschooling.
To view Hands On Science: Static Electricity just click here and scroll down to click on View. Watch with the kids if you can.


  1. Maureen--is there a way I could contact you through email?

  2. Jen, I'm sorry I didn't see your comment until now. I've fixed it now so I am notified of new comments for the future. I guess I should add email addys to the sidebar too. For now, it's mwittlans at aol dot com.
