Thursday, May 28, 2009

Keeping Teens Tuned In

Lisa Hendey Wrote a lovely piece about the Homeschool Connections summer courses over at Faith and Family Live.
When my boys were younger, the routine for “summer learning” was much more simple. I’d head off to the school supply store and purchase some standard workbooks for math and language arts. I’m not a homeschooling mom, but I always recognized the strong need for my boys to maintain their skills over the summer months. We would spend about an hour per day on “school” during the summer, working our way through the books and supplementing with frequent trips to the library.

With both boys in their teen years now, things have become a bit more complicated. Eric actually takes summer courses at our local community college and has a hefty summer work load for Academic Decathlon and his AP classes. Adam, in transition between 8th grade and high school, needs to work on music theory and Latin this summer in advance of starting his freshman year. Helping both of them learn to manage their time and be better organized is also a priority for this summer.

I was very happy to hear about a great program of summer studies being offered by Maureen Wittmann and Homeschool Connections. I wanted to share Maureen’s announcement with you and invite you to check out the terrific course offerings. This seems like the perfect option for teens like mine who are looking for stimulating summer learning options.

Thank you Lisa!

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