Saturday, June 27, 2009

How To Make the Pro-Life Case

John Jansen's webinar Making the Case for Life went fantastic. He really gave all of us the tools we need to go out into the world and defend the unborn. How many times have we all been confronted in the work place, at family gatherings, even at church with comments such as:
  • I'm personally opposed to abortion but I have no right to tell someone else what to do with her body.
  • Pro-lifers only care about babies in the womb. They don't care once they're born.
  • What about rape or incest?
  • If you make abortion illegal women will die from back alley abortions
  • Don't like abortion, then don't have one!
And so on. This free webinar will help approach these people and their objections with charity as well as wisdom:
  • Tips for Effective Communication
  • How to Explain Our Pro-Life Beliefs
  • Looking to the Holy Spirit
  • Speak the Truth with Love
  • Attitude
  • Know your facts
  • Understanding the other person's point of view
And more.

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