Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Free Webinar: Paying for College Without Breaking the Bank

The live webinar was fantastic. Katherine shared a lot of practical advice for us. You can watch the recording at: Pay for College Without Breaking the Bank. Make sure to bring along pen and paper so you can take lots of notes.

Whether your children are little or in high school, this is an important webinar to attend. If you can't make it, don't worry as all Homeschool Connections webinars are recorded and you can watch at a later date. I'll post the link here as soon as it's filed.

However, if you can make to the live event it's ever so much better as you can interact with the speaker and get your questions answered.

Paying for College Without Breaking the Bank

Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009
Time: 8:30 Eastern (7:30 Central)
Length: 90 minutes

This webinar will teach you how to document your child's achievements so colleges will recognize them. Additionally, it will cover admissions and college selection. Financial aid basics will be explained next, including the kinds and sources of aid, as well as the forms involved. Funding strategies will also be introduced.

If you want your child to go to a Newman Guide college, you need a funding plan. If you don't know what the Newman Guide is, come and learn how to find authentically Catholic colleges.

Katherine O'Brien
Katherine is an eleven-year homeschool veteran with six children. She earned her BS Industrial Engineering from Northwestern University and an MA Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville.

She founded Celtic College Consultants in 2004 and has been helping students and their families make their college dreams come true without breaking their banks.

Katherine holds the Certified College Planning Specialist designation from the NICCP. NICCP advisers are professionals with extensive training and continuing education in college financial planning. She also belongs to the Western Association for College Admissions Counseling. She has expertise both in admissions and college funding.

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