Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Catholic History Classes: Homeschool High School, Part 1

Update: This live course has concluded and is now available as a recorded course through our Subscription Service. This is a great way to learn at your own pace when your schedule allows.To subscribe or learn more: Adult and High School Catholic Online Classes

History: Roots of the Revolt (1417-1560)
(Click on title to register)
This is the first of a two-part series which can be taken together (recommended) or separately.

I am very excited about this 2-part history series. Two of my own children have been tutored by Mr. Campbell and they can't stop singing his praises. He is an engaging instructor, faithful Catholic, and devoted homeschool father. I look forward to sharing his wisdom and talents with the rest of the Catholic homeschool world.

Session dates
: Mondays, February 8 to March 15, 2010
Total sessions: 6
Starting time: 10:00 am, Eastern Standard Time (9:00 Central)
Duration: 1 hour
Presenter: Phillip Campbell

This course is regularly $90 for the entire 6 weeks. Early registration discount: $15 off if registered by December 31, 2009

Course description:
Recommended for 11th to 12th grade.

This six week course will acquaint students with the pertinent people and ideologies that led directly or indirectly to the outbreak of the Protestant Revolt. Protestant ideas will be contrasted with Catholic theology throughout in order to give the course an apologetic dimension in addition to the historical.

(Part 2 in the series can be found here: History: The Age of the Religious Wars (1560-1648)

Course outline:
1) Christianity & Christendom: A brief review of growth of the Christian Church in the Middle Ages and the establishment of "Christendom" as a united, political expression of a Catholic world view.

2) Origins of the Revolt: A look at several religious and political factors that led to the revolt (the Avignon Papacy, Western Schism, growth of nationalism and the printing press).

3) Martin Luther & Lutheranism: Biographical sketch of Luther, the historical origin of his ideas and Lutheran theology compared to the Church's teachings.

4) Germany on Fire: 1525-1555: A look at how the incendiary writings of Luther led to the Peasant's Revolt of 1525 and ushered in a generation of warfare in Germany.

5) Anglicanism: the via media: The origins of the Anglican schism in the divorce proceedings of Henry VIII and the manner in which the old Faith was eradicated in England.

6) Calvin & Knox: The historical origin and theology of the more "Puritan" elements of Protestantism and their vision of society.

Homework will consist of readings from primary source documents available online, as well as the completion of a series of mini-essay questions weekly. There are no questions due the first day of class, but students should read the Catholic Encyclopedia article on the Western Schism, which is available at the following link(http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13539a.htm).

Series description:
The Protestant Revolt: The Rending of Christendom (1417-1648)
High school students will analyze the causes and outcomes of the Protestant Revolt and will get an in depth analysis of the important personalities of the period, coupled with a philosophical explication of their varied ideologies; a Catholic apologetic to Protestant doctrines will be also be present throughout the series. We will begin by looking at the precursors to the Revolt, beginning in the aftermath of the Western Schism, and will end with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 at the end of the last of the religious wars. There will also be an emphasis on the importance of the "Counter Reformation" within the Catholic Church and how it shaped Catholic identity for the succeeding centuries.

High School Credit: 1/2 semester. For a full semester credit in history, follow up with Mr. Campbell's History: The Age of Religious Wars (1560-1648)

Equipment requirements:
Students are required to have high-speed internet and a headset with microphone. Can be found locally or at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002XIX0O/catholictreas-20.

"Mr. Campbell is indeed a favorite of my daughter. Thank you for making our history come alive for our children. Because they are learning it so well, maybe they will be the positive change our world is in such need of. God bless you."
- Marti, homeschool mother

"Mr. Campbell is terrific and I'm learning so much! I really enjoy the stories he tells about the people involved in historical events. It makes it real to me."
- Margaret, student

Mr. Campbell will be available via email in between classes for questions and comments.

Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months.

History: Roots of the Revolt (1417-1560)
(Click on title to register)

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