Monday, November 23, 2009

How Grandparents Can Help with College Funding

Katherine O'Brien, MA CCPS of Celtic Consulting has presented a couple of free webinars for Homeschool Connections in the past and she is a treasure trove of information when it comes to information regarding planning for college funding.

This particular free webinar will deal specifically with how grandparents and others can help a family with college funding. Make sure to invite anone who would like to know more in this area. I'm looking forward to it myself.

Please click on the title below to register:

Session date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Starting time: 8:30 pm, Eastern Standard Time (7:30 Central)
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Presenter: Katherine O'Brien, MA CCPS

We want to share our love and our values with our grandchildren. How can we best make gifts to our kids and grandkids to support the grandchildrens’ college educations? There are ways grandparents can exercise their generosity which can interfere with the child’s eligibility for financial aid. There are better strategies to reduce one’s estate in favor of one’s grandchildren. This workshop will cover the basics of those strategies thus enabling grandparents to get the most bang for their bucks.

Presenter's biography:
Katherine is an eleven year homeschool veteran with six children. She earned her BS Industrial Engineering from Northwestern University and an MA Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She founded Celtic College Consultants in 2004 and has been helping students and their families make their college dreams come true without breaking their banks. Katherine holds the Certified College Planning Specialist designation from the NICCP. NICCP advisors are professionals with extensive training and continuing education in college financial planning. She also belongs to the Western Association for College Admissions Counseling. She has expertise both in admissions and college funding.

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