Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fequently Asked Questions: Subscription Service


What grade level are your courses geared for?
Currently we offer high school courses, though we've had middle school students register and do very well. We plan to offer middle school courses next school year.

Is it better to take a live or recorded course?
Live courses are generally better as you are able to interact with the instructor firsthand during class and via email in between. However, it may not be possible to fit a live class into your schedule. Recorded courses can be taken on your own time, at your own pace.

What do I get with my subscription?
You get unlimited access to most of Homeschool Connection's past courses. This includes recordings of the classes and supporting materials such as essay topics, quizzes, answer keys, etc.

How do I apply credit to my high school student's transcript?
Each course will have a notation about how much credit can be given.

Why would I want my child to take a recorded course?
Our courses are an opportunity to learn from the best of the best. Our instructors are college professors or working professional who know and love their subject matter.

My children are too young, but I'd love to take these courses myself! Is that possible?
While the live courses would not be available to you, you may take part in the subscription service. The recorded courses are very enriching for young and old alike!

My children are enrolled in a home study program, how do they take your classes?
If you're using our courses as a supplement then you don't need to do anything special. If you'd like your home study program to give you credit for the course, then simply call your counselor to work out details.

Are your instructors Catholic?
Yes, all of our instructors are loyal to the Magisterium. Your child will not only benefit academically but also spiritually.

My oldest is no longer homeschooled but attends a public school. Can she take part in the subscription service?
Most certainly. This is a terrific opportunity to supplement her school studies with Catholic instructors in the evening or during the summer.

Are you an accredited school?
No, we are not and we do not provide record keeping. However, some of our live courses do provide graded homework.

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