Friday, January 29, 2010

Theology of the Body for High School

Update: This live course has concluded and is available now as a recorded course through our Subscription Service. This is a great way to learn at your own pace when your schedule allows. To subscribe or learn more:Adult and High School Catholic Online Classes

Catholic author George Weigel describes John Paul II’s Theology of the Body as “one of the boldest reconfigurations of Catholic theology in centuries – a kind of theological time-bomb set to go off, with dramatic consequences, some time in the third millennium of the Church.”

In this 4-week course, Catholic theologian Monica Ashour introduces high school students to Pope John Paul's life-changing work. Parents are welcomed to listen in on class or watch the recordings.

Session dates: Tuesdays, April 13 to May 4, 2010
Total classes: 4
Starting time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (Noon Central)
Duration: 1 hour
Instructor: Monica Ashour, MTS

Course Rationale:
In order to live the “abundant life” that Jesus said He came to bring us, we need to know who we are, made in God’s image and likeness. A new vision of such anthropology has been given to us by God through the Venerable Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB). A deep, proper study of this work brings with it a renewal of the person who embraces such teachings. The late Holy Father’s biographer, George Wiegel, called it a “time bomb” set to go off sometime after the Pope’s death. Cardinal Angelo Scola remarks that every area of Catholic thought can be undergirded by the Theology of the Body, thus, this course will not only offer an opportunity for ongoing renewal for the student but also a basis to explore other areas of his/her faith with TOB as a foundation.

Course Description:
This 4-course overview of Pope John Paul’s Theology of the Body will give a “bird’s eye” perspective of the whole of TOB. Far from relegating TOB to the area of sex and sexuality, TOB provides meaningful tools to see one’s life in the context of Jesus’ love for His Church and the life and love of the Blessed Trinity. Homework and quizzes will be provided but are optional. Recommended for 11th and 12th grade students.

Course fee (USD$): 75.00 for entire 4 weeks

Week-by-week outline:
Week 1: An overview of TOB and its origin and goal. Original man (inclusive sense of the word: male and female). Solitude. This class focuses on the individual, capable of self-mastery in all areas of his/her life. The original plan of God for communion—4-fold communion.

Week 2: Fallen man. The underlying thought of this class is man goes from a Sacramental View of Reality to an abstract view of reality, which causes ruptures between God and man, man within himself, man with others, and man with creation. We will apply this to wrongs such as gossip, lying, stealing, abortion, pornography, etc.

Week 3: Redeemed man. We do not remain hopeless since Christ came to heal the rupture. This class focuses on the Sacramental/Incarnational View of Reality which, if lived in all areas of our lives, brings wholeness, healing, forgiveness (comes from same root words).

Week 4: Eschatological (at end of time) man: Not only do we get to begin to participate in the healing of Christ who brings us into the very life and love of the Blessed Trinity on earth, we are to be divinized and to have a spiritualized body. This amazing vision of Pope John Paul is breathtaking, one that draws the person do desire to immense, profound joy that awaits us in heaven with the Communion of Saints.

Instructor's biography:
Having had 20 years of experience in the classroom, 3 years of experience working at St. Mary's Catholic Church at Texas A&M University as one of the Campus Ministers, and Master Degrees in Humanities and Theological Studies from the University of Dallas, Monica Ashour comes to us with a breadth and depth of vision that will solidify and electrify high school students. Orthodox, passionate, and pedogogically adept, Miss Ashour reaches youth especially in the areas of Christian Anthropology, Moral Theology, and Social Ethics. Her former students come to her often with gratitude in preparing them for the various experiences that they faced in college.

Course materials needed by students: None. Everything provided free online or by Miss Ashour.

Equipment requirements:
Students are required to have high-speed internet. A headset with microphone is preferred but not required. If you do not own a headset, you can find them at a local computer store or online from Amazon.

Course access:
All Homeschool Connections courses are recorded and available to registered students for up to six months.

To register, please click on this link:
Pope John Paul’s Theology of the Body

Miss Ashour's previous theology courses are available through our subscription service:
Christian Anthropology
Moral Theology
Social Ethics

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