Monday, April 12, 2010

Homeschoolers Sought for German-American ePal Program

I received this email today and thought about our upcoming German courses. If you've been studying German or are planning on studying German, this is a neat opportunity to supplement your lessons as well as make friends across the world:

Homeschoolers Sought for German-American ePal Program

Home School Legal Defense Association continues to work with other organizations to help German parents homeschool their children. Families who attempt to homeschool in Germany face persecution including fines, imprisonment, and loss of custody of their children.

HSLDA fully endorses the German-American ePal Program. This American-based program—run by HSLDA member families—connects homeschooling families in America with German families. Through the program, German society is gaining a new understanding of home education.

The German-American ePal Program educates German students and their families on advantages of homeschooling while improving their English. It enriches homeschoolers with a unique learning experience and new friendships. Knowledge of German is not required, but homeschoolers studying German rapidly improve their language skills.

Participants must be 12–17 years old and are paired with same-gender ePals according to similarities. Parents oversee their child’s ePal experience. Christian German ePals may also be requested. Homeschoolers may also request more than one German ePal at no extra cost.

The German-American ePal Program was developed in 2008 by 14-year-old homeschooler Claire Gleason and her mother, Susan, during an annual trip to Germany. Fluent in German, the Gleasons are connected with many public, private and Christian schools in Germany, where they have seen a growing interest in homeschooling. They have also visited German families who are homeschooling in hiding.

The German-American ePal Program is partnering with Homeschool America Inc. (HSA), which oversees applications from homeschoolers. The director for homeschooled American students is HSA rep Sondra Muench. Susan Gleason is the director for German students. All students are screened.

Parents and teachers are assured of safe, secure internet communication with personalized service.

Join other homeschoolers across the nation who are participating in the ePal Program and having the time of their lives!

There is a one-time enrollment fee:

* U.S. Homeschoolers: $6
* Family Fee: $10 (if you have 2 or more homeschoolers in your household)

For more information or to register, visit

-- It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate and tireless minority keen to set brushfires in the minds of the people. ―Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

Terry, Susan and Claire Gleason
German-American ePal Program
Seven Springs Academy
1804 Taylors Chapel Rd
Fries VA 24330 USA

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