Thursday, January 13, 2011

Frances Chesterton and Homeschooling

Nancy Brown's recent webinar on Frances Chesterton (wife of G. K.) and homeschooling was wonderful. We are now able to offer it to you as a recording so that you may view it at your leisure. Just click the webinar title found below.

We are able to bring these webinars to you FREE of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. This webinar is brought to you by Homeschool Connections and mater et magistra (THE Catholic homeschooling magazine -- don't teach home without it!)

Frances Chesterton: What We Can Learn from the Wife of G. K. Chesterton About Home Education
presented by Nancy Carpentier Brown
Frances Chesterton, wife of noted British author Gilbert Keith Chesterton, was very interested in the education of children, and was a published author on the subject.

In this talk, Nancy discusses the life of Frances Chesterton, her interest in the education of children, and find out what she has to teach us about the home education of our own children, as well as about being wives and makers of hearth and home.

NOTE: You may need to click on the Video icon at the top right hand corner to get the full experience.

Where to find Nancy and her books:
Nancy Carpentier Brown is the blogmistress, podcaster, Facebook and Twitter commander for the American Chesterton Society, as well as a columnist for their publication Gilbert Magazine. She is on the editorial board of mater et magistra.

Brown is the adapter of The Father Brown Reader: Stories from Chesterton and the newly released Father Brown Reader 2: More Stories from Chesterton. She is also the author of The Blue Cross Study Guide and the Study Guide to Chesterton's St. Francis of Assisi.

In August, 2010, Nancy gave a talk at the 29th annual conference of the American Chesterton Society at Mount St. Mary's in Emmitsburg, MD titled "Frances: The Woman Who Was Chesterton."

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