Friday, March 18, 2011

Children's Books Translated to Latin

UPDATE: The Hobbit has been released in Latin as of September 2012. It is available in book form as well as for Kindle devices. Click here for information: Hobbitus Ille

Our Latin II summer boot camp will be translating Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat into Latin. Yes, Cat in the Hat is a child's book but it's also quite difficult to translate. The course should prove to be challenging while at the same time fun.

One thing I find really interesting is that there are a good number of children's books translated into Latin. Even Harry Potter. No matter your feelings about J. K. Rowling's books, it is something that such a large book can be read completely in Latin.

Here are the books I found on Amazon that are available in Latin. Let us know in the comments of any Latin treasures you've found and we've missed.

By Dr. Seuss:
By A. A. Milne:
There is even this: Easy Latin Crossword Puzzles

Harry Potter:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harrius Potter et Camera Secretorum)

I never knew there were so many! I encourage you to check your library as a few are quite expensive. If you have trouble finding any at the library then put in a purchase request. It's usually quite easy to do and can be done at the library's website.

Have fun exploring kid lit in Latin!

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