Friday, August 5, 2011

Writing for Middle and High School

Enrollment in the upcoming fall course Writing for High School is full and therefore registration is closed. If you would like to be put on a waiting list for the course, please email and put Writing for High School Waiting List in the subject bar.

We are considering adding another writing course if the demand supports it and we get enough students on the waiting list.

Also, we currently offer two other writing courses that still have plenty of seats available for now.

English: The Heroic in Arthurian Literature is a 7th to 9th grade course that teaches writing skills through literature. We offered a similar course last year based on Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn that was quite excellent. To register:

Writing for College is for 11th to 12th grade and will be offered in the spring. We have offered this course in the past so it is also available as part of the Subscription Service (recorded courses).

Please email or leave a comment below if you have any questions.


  1. Are there any other fall classes near full? I still have several I need to enroll the kids in but I'm still working on our schedule for other activities.

  2. Thank you Alice for your question. I'm sure it's one that is on the mind of a few other parents.

    These courses will probably fill up before the first class:
    Modern History (7 seats left)
    Literature: CS Lewis's Screwtape Letters (9 seats left)
    Literature: Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday (11 seats left)

    These course have low enrollment and need to see an increase in sign ups over the next week:
    Early Modern Philosophers
    Advanced Government
    Arthurian Literature & Writing

    If any of these 6 are on your list then I suggest getting signed up right away, or at least before Friday, August 12th.

    The other 13 courses have pretty healthy enrollments and could possibly fill up but I don't think there is an urgency.
