Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Famous Homeschool Authors and YOU!

What do Christopher Paolini, Michael Aquilina III, and Kaleb Nation have in common? All three are homeschool grads and all three are published authors. I (Maureen) have the privilege of knowing two of these three young men. Kaleb was part of a homeschool high school writing club I organized a few years ago and Michael is a longtime family friend.

If you love to write, I am here to encourage you. If you have the burning desire to write, I hope to help give you the tools to fulfill that desire and to do for the glory of God.

Don't ever think that because you are young that you cannot be published. The three authors mentioned are just a small example of young  people who have achieved success in publishing. Walter Crawford and I are committed to providing young homeschooled students with the tools and the leg up needed to achieve that goal. Here at Homeschool Connections, we are working with an amazing writing professor, E. B. Conroy, in developing a series of courses to teach you the skills to write fiction as well as nonfiction.

The fiction writing series of courses are designed to be taken in any order. You can join us at anytime. See above for a short video from Professor Conroy explaining the Plot and Structure course that starts in January. To view more videos about our other writing courses, please click here: Homeschool Connections YouTube Channel.

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