Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FREE Online Course: Modern American History

Homeschool Connections offers a pretty awesome deal for recorded classes. For only $30 a month OR one $330 annual payment (one month free!) you can have access to over 70 courses. Seventy courses!!! Some online schools charge $330 and up for just one online course. This is the best deal you'll ever find in Catholic online education -- quantity and quality!

We want you to have an opportunity to try out one of our courses so that you can see firsthand what this service can offer you.

As of today, you have free access to Mr. Campbell's Modern History recorded course until December 30, 2011. It is completely free to you and yours. Just click here: Modern American History. Make sure you forward this on to your friends on email and Facebook who could really benefit from this deal.

Please email or leave a comment below if you have questions or comments.

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