Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Free Webinar: Finding Levity in Your Homeschool

NOTE: The live webinar went fantastic. If you missed it, you may watch the recording of the event here: Finding Levity in Your Homeschool.

Refresh! Midwinter Homeschool Conference
(click on webinar title to register)

Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Starting time: 8:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Brown
Webinar Description: It's easy to be heavy, hard to be light, said British journalist and Catholic Defender of the Faith G.K. Chesterton. Why do we get so bogged down in the details, record-keeping, worrying about test scores, making sure they finish that last workbook page—when Chesterton teaches us that being light, finding humor, keeping things pleasant, keeping our voices quiet, and interjecting humor and wit wherever and whenever we can, is the best way?

How do I add humor, wit, lightness and levity to my homeschool? Add some Chesterton, and become like Chesterton, who will someday be declared a saint. American Chesterton Society Media Manager and homeschooling mother Nancy Brown will show you how.

  • How to stop yourself from exploding when you feel the heat rising
  • How to become funnier at home
  • How to quicken your wit and tickle your kids funny bones
  • How to keep your voice quiet when all you want to do is yell
  • How to think like Chesterton, and how to add Chesterton to your homeschool

We'll cover all this and more at Nancy Brown's webinar. Join us today!

About the PresenterNancy Carpentier Brown is the blogmistress, podcaster, Facebook and Twitter commander for the American Chesterton Society, as well as a columnist for their publication Gilbert Magazine. She is on the editorial board of mater et magistra.

Brown is the adapter of The Father Brown Reader: Stories from Chesterton and the newly released Father Brown Reader 2: More Stories from Chesterton. She is also the author of The Blue Cross Study Guide and the Study Guide to Chesterton's St. Francis of Assis
Note: Attendance is limited. If it fills up, you will be placed on a wait list. All webinars are recorded and made available for free viewing within 24 hours.

(click on webinar title to register)

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