Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Recorded Webinar: Finding Levity in Your Homeschool

Nancy Carpentier Brown's webinar last night went wonderfully. It was such a joy to spend the evening with Nancy. As a gift to the attendees, Nancy is offering a discount on two of her e-books. PLUS, Hillside Education offered a FREE giveaway. These deals were not just for the live attendees but also for those of you who watch the recorded webinar in the upcoming days.  Here's all the scoop:

To watch the recorded webinar (free of charge and available 24/7) please click here:
Finding Levity in Your Homeschool: A Chestertonian Principle

Nancy is offering two of her e-books for only $4.99 each. That discount is good for one week and ends Tuesday, January 24, 2012. Click here:
A Study Guide for G. K. Chesterton's Francis of Assisi
The Blue Cross Study Edition

Hillside Education is offering a FREE giveaway. This is only good until tomorrow -- Thursday, January 19, 2012 at midnight Pacific. To enter the giveaway, simply send an email to Put "Free Hillside Books" in the subject bar.

Thank you Nancy! And thank you Hillside!

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