Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fiction Writing Classes for Homeschool Teens

Kaleb Nation, homeschool grad, at a book signing
for his terrific fiction book Bran Hambric.
You can be an accomplished author too!
Photo Credit:

We are very excited about our new writing program. Our next offering is Professor E. B. Conroy's mini fiction writing course on Description and Setting. This is part of a series that add up to a complete larger course. You can drop in any time and take the mini courses in any order. Added bonus: All course materials provided for FREE -- no books to buy.

We've gotten rave reviews for the Plot course, so we know this one will also be fantastic. I hope to see you in class on March 8th!!!

(click course title to register)

One of six mini-courses in the Write Your Own Fiction Book Series. Note: Courses in this series can be taken in any order.
Class dates: Thursdays, March 8 to March 29, 2012
Total classes: 4
Starting time: 2:00 pm Eastern (1:00 pm Central)
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: none
Suggested grade level: 8th to 12th grade
Suggested credit: 1/3 semester (three courses in the Write Your Fiction Book series equals one semester credit)
Fee: $90 for all 4 classes.
Instructor: Erin Brown Conroy, MA (E.B. Conroy)
Course description: This course teaches key components of using excellent description and crafting a strong and memorable setting for your fiction book. The course covers when a good writer uses description and setting (timing and amount of use); types of description (sensory, metaphor and simile, figures of speech, and literary techniques); principles and techniques of memorable settings; and how to integrate description and setting into plot, structure, and character development.
Series description: There are a total six parts to the Write Your Own Fiction Book Series. We will continue the series in the fall and into next spring and start all over again. Students can jump into the series at any time. Once you have completed all 6 mini-courses, you can have a completed book!
Course outline:
Class 1: Description and Setting: Timing and the Basics of their Use
Class 2: Types of Description—The senses, metaphor and simile, figures of speech, and literary techniques
Class 3: Principles and techniques of memorable settings (including examples to learn by)
Class 4: How to integrate description and setting into plot, structure, and character development
Course materials: All materials are provided FREE via the instructor.
Homework: Weekly writing assignments, with direct feedback from Professor Brown Conroy, with an estimated five hours per week for homework (outside of class time) that includes reading, writing, and responding to feedback.

Professor's biography: Erin Brown Conroy, MA, is the professor of College-Level Writing and Writing and Research for Patrick Henry College (five years) and taught writing at Cornerstone University for seven years. She is the author of several non-fiction books, including Simplified Writing 101: Top Secrets for College Writing Success, and has designed four college writing courses, including an AP English Language and Composition course for PHC Preparatory Academy online. Professor Brown Conroy also privately coaches ACT English prep live and across the US via Skype and phone conferencing and has spoken at conferences regarding the teaching of writing. A member of the Society of Children’s Book Authors and Illustrators, she is also a fiction writing coach for high school and college students for the last ten years and has judged writing contests. She is also a freelance professional writer and ghostwriter. Professor Brown Conroy also authored True North Reading: The Complete Mastery Reading and Spelling Program, a five-level multisensory learn-to-read program for children ages 3 to 15. Mrs. Brown Conroy lives in Howell, Michigan and is attends Old St. Patrick's Parish. She has been homeschooling for 27 years. Mrs. Brown Conroy loves enjoying her two Australian Labradoodles, playing the Irish wooden flute, and homeschooling five of her 13 children who still live at home.

Equipment requirements: Classes are online, live and interactive. Students are required to have high-speed internet and a headset with microphone.

Professor E. B. Conroy will be available via email in between classes for questions and comments.
Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months.
Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping services.

(click course title to register)

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