Friday, March 2, 2012

Online Writing Courses

Many of us homeschoolers struggle with the subject of writing. It's a difficult subject to teach and to grade, especially in the upper grades.

In response to that need, we are in the midst of creating an entire program around the subject of writing. We think of it as Writing Connections. We're connecting you with the best instructors and resources. We're connecting you with grading and commentary on your student's writing to help you be a success in your homeschool.

Here are the courses that are still opened for registration this semester, as well as courses scheduled for the Summer and the Fall semesters. We will be adding the Spring 2013 semester in the upcoming days.

Spring 2012
(click on course title now to learn more or register)
Writing: Description and Setting; Write Your Own Fiction Book Series (Mar. 8 to Mar. 19)
Essential Punctuation & Grammar, for Middle School Students (Apr. 16 to May 21)
Essential Punctuation & Grammar, for High School Students (Apr. 16 to May 21)

Summer 2012
(click on course title now to learn more or register)
Professional Writing: Creating Attractive and Effective Professional Correspondence (June 4 to June 7)
Microsoft WORD for Students: Fundamental Skills for Success (Aug. 6 to Aug. 9)
ACT English and Writing Test Prep (Aug. 13 to Aug. 14)

Fall 2012
(click on course title now to learn more or register)
Writing: Characters and Dialogue; Write Your Own Book Fiction Writing Series (Sept. 6 to Sept. 27)
Writing: Advanced High School Writing; Rhetoric, Figures of Speech, Essays, & Papers (Sept. 5 to Nov. 7)
Writing: Conflict and Creating the Breakout Novel; Write Your Own Fiction Book Series (Oct. 4 to Oct. 25)
Writing: Simplified Writing for Middle School Students; Your All-Encompassing Foundational Middle School Writing Course (Oct. 22 to Nov. 7)
Writing: Simplified Writing for High School Students; Your All-Encompassing Foundational Middle School Writing Course (Oct. 22 to Dec. 10)
Writing: Theme, Style, and Point of View; Write Your Own Fiction Book Series (Nov 8 to Dec. 6)
NOTE: More to be added soon, including Essential Punctuation and Grammar for both middle and high school.

Spring 2013
Spring 2013 courses will be scheduled in the upcoming days. We will continue the Write Your Own Fiction Book series and add Rhetoric as well as Advanced Middle School Writing. And more. Keep an eye out here on the blog (classes listed in the sidebar), Facebook, or the website for updates.

I am really looking forward to the next school year!

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