Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Geometry and Algebra II Summer Help

Here is a great way to get ready for the upcoming school year! These 2-week summer math camps help students lay the necessary groundwork for their fall and spring studies so they are successful and reduce struggles and disappointment with learning a new math discipline. What a wonderful way to jump right into the school year running! Mrs. Hoeft loves math and her love is so contagious, that her students can't help but catch her enthusiasm

Two camps still open for registration ...
Scroll down and learn more! 

(click on the camp title to register)

Class dates: Mondays through Thursdays, August 6 to 16, 2012
Total classes: 8
Starting time: 11:30 am Eastern (10:30 am Central)
Duration: 1 hour each
Prerequisite: Algebra 1/2 and Algebra 1
Suggested grade level: 10th to 12th
Fee:$100 for all 8 classes.
Course description: We will review all of the geometry concepts we know so far to get ready to take Geometry in the fall
Course outline (week by week):
Week 1: Perimeter, area, surface area and volume of figures
Week 2: Review of proof formulas and properties of shapes.
Course materials: Paper, pencil, calculator (if needed). No textbook. Worksheets provided FREE by the instructor.
Homework: One worksheet each night to be corrected in the following class period.

(click on the camp title to register)

Class dates: Mondays through Thursdays, August 6 to 16, 2012
Total classes: 8
Starting time: 10:00 am Eastern (9:00 am Central)
Duration: 1 hour each
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Suggested grade level: 10th to 12th
Fee: $100 for all 8 classes.
Course description: We will be reviewing all of the Algebra 1 concepts that we can to get ready for algebra 2 in the fall.
Course outline (week by week):
Week 1: Solving linear equations using inspection, substitution and elimination.
Week 2: Non-linear equations including quadratic, absolute value and exponential
Course materials: Paper, pencil, and calculator. No textbook. Worksheets provided FREE by the instructor.
Homework: One worksheet per day to be corrected on the following day in class.

Please don't hesitate to email ( or leave a comment if you have a question or suggestion. Visit our website at

Instructor biography: Jean Hoeft, MA Mrs. Hoeft has been a math and algebra teacher for 23 years. She has a BA from the University of Michigan and a MA from Marygrove University. Jean has taught the confirmation class at her Catholic parish for 28 years. She loves gardening, sudoku puzzles, raising chickens, reading, knitting, and everything Catholic.

Equipment requirements: Students are required to have high-speed internet and a headset with microphone.
Mrs. Hoeft will be available via email in between classes for questions and comments.
Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months.
Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping services.

Click on the camp title to register:

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