Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Summer School Online

Do you want
     ... to give your child a solid foundation to start the school year?
     ... to forgo lots of review in September?
     ... your child to have the skills needed for success?
     ... your child's education to be steeped in Catholic teaching?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, Homeschool Connections wants to help you.

Summer classes are a great way to keep learning alive year round, build foundations for learning, give children self-confidence, and save time on review in September. Homeschool Connections' online classes provide learning with a strong Catholic ethos.

We offer two options for summer classes.

First, we offer recorded, independent learning courses thought our Unlimited Access! service. This service give families unlimited access to over 100 courses that can be taken on your time and at your pace. Everything is provided for you: video lectures, homework, quizzes, support materials, and answer keys. All of this for only $30 per month. Plus, the first 7 days are only $1 so you can try it out without a big commitment. You can keep it as long or as short as you need it. Click here to learn more or sign up:
Unlimited Access!

Second, we offer live, interactive courses. Students meet with their teacher in real time online on a scheduled day and time. Students interact live with the instructor and their fellow students. The three live courses offered for Summer 2013 are:

(click on course title to register)

Class dates: Monday through Thursday, July 8 to July 11, 2013
Total classes: 4
Starting time: 4:30 pm Eastern
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th grade, but all enthusiastic high school students are welcomed.
Fee: $50 for all four classes (course materials included)
Instructor: Mr. Phillip Campbell
Course description: Introduction to the Church's social teaching on man, economy and the state, studying the benefits and pitfalls of the modern economy through the lens of Catholic Tradition.
Course outline:
Day 1: Catholic teaching on man and our duties to society and our neighbor
Day 2: Synopsis of the teachings in the Catholic Social Enyclicals
Day 3: Belloc and Chesteron
Day 4: Modern efforts at implementing the Church's social teaching
Course materials: Provided free online by instructor
Homework: Light reading, plus a comprehensive exam at the conclusion of the week.

(click on course title for registration page)

Class dates: August 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, and 13, 2013
Total classes: 6
Starting time: 10:30 AM Eastern (9:30 Central)
Duration: 45 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade
Fee: $75 for all 6 classes.
Instructor: Erin Brown Conroy
Course description: This is an essential writing course for all middle school students to make sure that your student has strong middle school writing foundations in place. Give your middle school student exactly what’s needed for writing well-crafted sentences and paragraphs—including the absolute “must-have” knowledge and practice for the use of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and prepositional phrases, and compound sentence structures, as well as capitalization, end punctuation, and the use of quoted material. Even if your student has learned the composition of a sentence and paragraph before (in elementary materials), the approach for this class is to use middle school vocabulary and structures that are more complex. Help your child finally master the details that are holding him or her back from writing well. Sentence constructions are designed to prepare your student for upper level middle school writing.
Course outline:
Class 1: Nouns, verbs, and capitalization in sentences
Class 2: Adjectives, adverbs, and end punctuation in sentences
Class 3: Prepositions, prepositional phrases, and compound sentence structures
Class 4: Using quotes in dialogue and academic writing
Class 5: Transitions and connectives in sentences
Class 6: Putting it all together: Transitions and linear sentences in paragraph writing
Course materials: Word 2007 or later version. eBook: Simplified Writing Foundations: Sentences and Paragraphs for Middle School Students by EB Conroy. Students may purchase the ebook on Amazon (plus download the Kindle app for free to use on any computer, iPad, iPod, or smart phone).
Homework: Approximately 45 minutes to one hour per day, reading and completing coursework.

(click on course title for registration page)
Class dates: August 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, and 13, 2013
Total classes: 6
Starting time: 11:45 AM Eastern (10:45 Central)
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 9th to 11th grade
Fee: $75 for all 6 classes.
Instructor: Erin Brown Conroy
Course description: This is an essential writing course for all high school students, to make sure that your student has critical high school writing foundations in place. Give your high school student exactly what’s needed for writing well-crafted sentences and paragraphs—including the absolute “must-have” knowledge, review, and practice for the use of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and prepositional phrases, and compound sentence structures, as well as transitions and connectives, the use of quoted material, summary, and paraphrase. Even if your student has learned foundational concepts before, the approach in his class is to use high school vocabulary and structures that are more complex and needed for upper-level writing. From mastering the details that are holding your student back from writing well to providing much-needed practice, help your student perfect the essential tools for high school writing.
Course outline:
Class 1: Using strong nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in well-constructed sentences
Class 2: Capitalization, punctuation, and using quotation marks in dialogue and academic writing; prepositions and prepositional phrases
Class 3: Linear writing, transitions, and connectives in sentences and paragraphs
Class 4: Writing with summary and paraphrase
Class 5: Answering essay questions: structure, form, and content I
Class 6: Answering essay questions: structure, form, and content 2
Course materials: Word 2007 or later version. eBook: Simplified Writing Essentials for High School Students by EB Conroy. Students may purchase the ebook on Amazon (plus download the Kindle app for free to use on any computer, iPad, iPod, or smart phone) after June 2013.
Homework: Approximately one hour per day, reading and completing coursework.


  1. Do you have anything for a student going into first grade or a student going into third grade?

  2. Hi Corinne! Our classes are for middle to high school. For grade school, we highly recommend It's a great Catholic Charlotte Mason curriculum. All the plans are free.
