Sunday, May 5, 2013

College Preparatory Latin Online Classes

(click on course title to register)

Notes: This is a 2-part course. Students are expected to register for Part Two starting in January. 
Registration is limited to 10 students only. 

Class dates: Tuesdays, September 17 to December 10, 2013. No class October 29.
Total classes: 12
Starting time: 12:30 PM Eastern (11:30 Central)
Duration: I hour
Prerequisite: Two to three years of Latin, has completed the Wheelock's textbook (Unlimited Access!), or equivalent. Email us at if you’re unsure if your student meets the equivalent. 
Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th grade
Suggested high school credit: 1 full semester Latin or Foreign Language
Fee: $185 if you register on or before Aug. 1, 2013. $205 after August 1st for all 12 classes.
Instructor: Emily Henry
Course description: This course is an advanced study of Latin for students who enjoy the language, have covered all the basic grammatical concepts, and are still eager for more! We will focus primarily on translation, with a few grammatical pointers/mini-lessons as needed. We will work through portions of Vergil's Aeneid, translating the original epic poem from Latin into English. Students will be required to prepare a certain number of lines for each class. We will cover our translations together, discuss the grammar and syntax, etc. We will also explore other ancient authors such as Augustine and will translate portions of the Latin Mass together. This class may be used as an AP Latin course and will prepare students for college level Latin.
Course materials: Pharr's Aeneid (click on title for ordering information)
Homework: Students will spend 1-2 hours per day (depending on proficiency in Latin) on translations. This course will cover portions of Vergil's Aeneid, the Latin Mass, and St. Augustine. Students will gain practice with both ancient, Church, and Medieval Latin. There will be two exams. All homework graded by the instructor.

(click on course title to register)

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