Saturday, August 17, 2013

Who's Your Favorite HSC Instructor?

Recorded Courses by Instructor

This alphabetical list sorts our recorded courses by instructor. If you have a favorite Homeschool Connections instructor, this is an easy way to check out his or her other courses.

Alvis, Catherine
Latin I Boot Camp: Introduction to Latin
Latin II Readiness Boot Camp
Latin II/III Boot Camp: Cattus Petasatus

Ashour, Monica
History/Theology: Church History; Trinitarian
Theology: Christian Anthropology—Who Am I?
Theology: Moral Theology—How Shall I Live?
Theology: Ecclesiology & Sacramental Theology—How Shall I Glorify God?
Theology: Theology of the Body: “The Best Method of Educating Man”

Brock, Dayspring
Literature/Writing (Middle School): The Heroic in Arthurian Literature
Literature (Middle School): Mark Twain; Friends, Fiends, and Freedom in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Literature (High School): English Literature and the Question of Evil

Campbell, Phillip
Archeology/History: An Archaeological Survey of the Old and New Testaments
Economics: Economics as if People Matter (Micro and Macro)
Economics: Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching
Logic: Logic I; Introduction to Formal Logic (available June 2014)
History: Foundations of Christian Historiography
History: The Dawn of History; Dawn of History: Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Persia (Available January 2014)
History (Middle School): The Dawn of History; Dawn of History: Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Persia (Available January 2014)
History: The Glory of Ancient Greece (Available June 2014)
History (Middle School): The Glory of Ancient Greece (Available June 2014)
History: The Life and Times of the Ancient Romans
History (Middle School): The Life and Times of the Ancient Romans
History: Catholic Middle Ages
History: Roots of the Revolt, 1417-1560
History: The Age of the Religious Wars, 1560-1648
History: World History; 12 Inventions That Revolutionized the World
History: Early American History, 1492-1763
History: U. S. History, 1763-1865
History: Modern American History; 1865 to 2000
History: The Great Depression; 1929 to 1941
History: Understanding the Second Vatican Council

Conroy, Erin Brown (EB)
Science: Health, Fitness, and Wellness for Middle School Students
Test Prep: SAT Quick Test Prep
Test Prep: ACT Test Prep
Test Prep: ACT English and Writing Test Prep
Life Skills: Leadership and Interpersonal Communications Skills
Life Skills: How to Be an Excellent Student: Note Taking, Test Taking, and Getting an A+
Writing: Essential Punctuation and Grammar for Middle School
Writing: Essential Punctuation and Grammar for High School
Writing: Middle School Writing Essentials: Excellent Sentence and Paragraph Writing
Writing: Essential Writing for High School: Excellent Paragraph and Essay Test Writing
Writing: Simplified Writing for Middle School
Writing: Simplified Writing for High School
Writing: Fiction Writing; Plot and Structure
Writing: Fiction Writing; Description and Setting
Writing: Fiction Writing; Characters and Dialogue  
Writing: Fiction Writing: Theme, Style, and Point of View
Writing: Fiction Writing; Conflict and Creating the Breakout Novel
Writing: Fiction Writing: Authoring a Book: What it Takes and How to Succeed
Writing: Advanced Fiction Writing: The Hero’s Journey and Mythic Structure for Writers, Part One (Available January 2014)
Writing: Advanced Fiction Writing: The Hero’s Journey and Mythic Structure for Writers, Part Two (Available June 2014)
Writing: HS Essentials: Vocabulary and Writing, Part One (Available January 2014)
Writing: HS Essentials: Vocabulary and Writing, Part Two (Available June 2014)
Writing: Middle School Writing II
Writing: Advanced High School Writing; Rhetoric, Figures of Speech, Essays, and Papers
Writing: Advanced Research Writing: Preparing for College

Correira, Kris
Science (Middle School): Topics in Life Science I; The Cell (Available January 2014)
Science: Heart and Lungs; the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems (Anatomy & Physiology)
Science: Blood and Immunity; Hematology and Immune System (Anatomy & Physiology)
Science: Musculoskeletal System and Nervous System (Anatomy & Physiology)

Kathy Dutton
Chemistry I / Honors Chemistry I (Available January 2014)

Gotcher, Robert
Literature: Chesterton; Man of Letters
Literature: The Space Trilogy of C. S. Lewis
Literature: Tolkien and Fairy Stories
Logic: Formal Logic I ; Introduction to Logic
Logic: Formal Logic II; Advanced Logic
Theology: Catholic Spiritual Writers
Theology: Introduction to the Bible; New Testament
Theology: Introduction to the Bible; Old Testament
Theology: The Trinity
Theology: The Mass Explained
Writing: Writing for High School
Writing: Writing for College

Harris, David
Economics: Principles of Economics (Micro) and Catholic Perspectives
Life Skills: Personal Finances for Teens

Henry, Emily
Latin ½; Beginning Middle School Latin  (Jenney’s)
Latin I  (Wheelock)
Latin II  (Wheelock)
Latin III/IV; College Preparatory Latin (Available January 2014)

Hoeft, Jean
Math Boot Camp: Preparing for Pre-Algebra
Math Boot Camp: Preparing for Algebra
Math Boot Camp: Preparing for Algebra II
Math: Pre-Algebra; Saxon
Math: Algebra I; Saxon
Math: Algebra II; Saxon
Math: Geometry; Saxon
Math: Advanced Topics in Math (Pre-Calculus); Saxon

Mausolf, Alexis, MA
German I
German II (Available January 2014)

Michuta, Gary
Aquinas Connections (Adult): Practical Catholic Apologetics
Theology (Middle School): Apologetics for Catholics
Theology: Apologetics Boot Camp
Theology: Defending the Bible in Modern Times
Theology: Apologetics; Peter and the Papacy (Available January 2014)
Theology: Advanced Catholic Apologetics

Negri, Jason
Government/Law: Introduction to Law; Fundamentals of the American Legal System

Pacwa SJ, Mitch
Aquinas Connections (Adult): Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem in Luke’s Gospel

Palmer, Dave
Philosophy: The Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas

Pearce, Joseph
Literature: Romeo and Juliet; The Catholic Shakespeare
Literature: Hamlet; The Catholic Shakespeare
Literature: The Hobbit (Available January 2014)
Literature: Lord of the Rings (Available May 2014)

Prentice, Derek
Aquinas Connections (Adult): Career Search Skills
Life Skills: Job Search Skills for Teens

Reynolds, Carol (Professor Carol)
Art and Music Appreciation: Discovering Western Culture through Music and the Arts (Available January 2014)

Rioux, Jean
Logic/Philosophy: Fallacies and Paradoxes
Philosophy: What Do Philosophers Do and How Do They Do It?
Philosophy: Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy
Philosophy: Philosophy of God: Natural Theology

Rivet, Ed
Government: Government, Democracy, and Citizenship
Government: Advanced American Government
Government: American Elections: Democracy in Action

Rolling, Alecia
German 1/2
Latin I (D’ooge)
Latin II (D’ooge)

Rolling, Kenneth
History (Middle School): The Greeks; Fathers of Enquiry
Literature (Middle School): Drama in Myth
Philosophy: What is Beauty?

Russell, Henry
Literature: Homer’s Odyssey; The Soul of Pre-Socratic Wisdom
Literature: The Iliad:  Glory and the Will of God
Literature: Sophocles and Tragedy
Literature: Virgil’s Aeneid; The Founding of Nations in the Will of God
Literature: Beowulf and Christ
Literature: Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer; Trust God and Tradition
Literature: King Arthur and Christ; Heroism and Holiness
Literature: Macbeth; The Catholic Shakespeare
Literature: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; Chivalry, Courtesy and Chastity
Literature: Scarlet Letter
Literature: Death Comes for the Archbishop (American Classics Series)
Literature: The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton (Modern Catholic Classics Series)
Literature: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (Modern Catholic Classics Series)
Literature: Redemptive Comedy of Flannery O’Connor (American Classics Series)
Literature: The Hobbit
Literature: The Lord of the Rings; The Fellowship of the Ring
Literature: The Lord of the Rings; The Two Towers
Literature: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Literature: Dante’s Inferno (Available January 2014)
Literature: Dante’s Purgatory (Available June 2014)
Literature: Dante’s Paradise (Available January 2015)

Schmitt, Irma
Spanish (Middle School) ½
Spanish (Middle School) I (Available January 2014)
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III (Available January 2014)

Stanley, Alison
History (Middle School): The Civil War Years; A Nation Divided
History (Middle School): The Revolutionary War
History (Middle School): World War I; What Price Glory (Available January 2014)
History (Middle School): World War II (Available June 2014)
Gov./Law: Constitutional Law: Supreme Court Jurisprudence I
Gov./Law: The First Amendment; The Five Freedoms
Gov./Law: The Federalist Papers (Available January 2014)

Watkins, Matt
Science: Environmental Science

Christopher Zehnder
Latin: Beginning Latin for Middle School; Lingua Latina (Available January 2014)
History: Making of the Modern World (Available January 2014)


  1. Can't wait till fall classes start!

  2. Thank you for all this wonderful knowledge!

  3. I am so very impressed with the many classes y'all have offered! I still can't wait until my oldest can start taking them!

  4. Glad to see Christopher Zehnder as an instructor.

  5. I loved Monica Ashour's classes

  6. I look forward to using these classes when my children are old enough.
