Saturday, July 20, 2013

Which Latin Course Should My High School Student Take?

Which Latin class should my child take in the fall? Beginning Latin students in middle school should sign up for Middle School Beginning Latin, Part One with Mr. Christopher Zehnder. Part Two is offered in the Spring semester.

Please find listed below what high school students should know before entering a specific Latin class with Mrs. Emily Henry for the 2013/2014 school year. You will also find listed in more detail what students will learn in a given course.

Latin I, Part One (Fall 2013)
What students should know: Students entering Latin I, Part I (first semester) do not need to have any prior experience with the language. This is an introductory course for high school age students (preferably 9th and 10th grade).
What we will cover: In terms of grammar, we will cover the first three noun declensions (including adjectives), first-fourth conjugation verbs (present, imperfect, and future endings). We will also go over the irregular verbs esse and posse.

Latin I, Part Two (Spring 2014)
What students should know: Students entering Latin I, Part II (second semester) should be comfortable with the first three noun declensions, adjective agreement, first-fourth verb conjugations (the present, imperfect, and future tenses), and have a basic grasp of beginner’s vocabulary.
What we will cover: During this semester, we will be covering demonstratives, personal pronouns, perfect active system (perfect, pluperfect, future perfect) for all four verb conjugations, reflexive pronouns, numerals, the relative pronoun, interrogative pronouns, and fourth declension nouns.

Latin II, Part One (Fall 2013)
What students should know: Students entering Latin II, Part I (first semester) should be comfortable with the following grammar concepts: first-fourth declensions (including adjectives), first-fourth conjugation verbs (present, imperfect, future, perfect, plu-perfect, & future perfect tenses), the irregular verbs esse and posse, demonstratives, personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns, numerals, relative pronouns, and interrogative pronouns.
What we will cover: During this semester, we will be covering the passive system of verbs, the different uses of the ablative case, participles, the ablative absolute, the passive periphrastic, infinitives and indirect statements, fifth declension, comparison of adjectives, and the subjunctive mood.

Latin II, Part Two (Spring 2014)
What students should know: Students entering Latin I, Part II (second semester) should have a fairly advanced understanding of Latin grammar being comfortable with all grammar concepts leading up to the subjunctive. If your student has a thorough understanding of all indicative verb tenses (active and passive), all noun declensions (1-5), an understanding of adjectives (regular, comparative, superlative), knows how to use infinitives in indirect speech, is comfortable with participles, then this course is for your student.
What we will cover: In this class, we will thoroughly cover subjunctives and a variety of clauses. We will also practice translation more than we did in Latin I, and Latin II, Part I.

Latin III/IV: College Preparatory Latin (2013/2014)
What students should know: Students entering Latin III/IV should have a thorough understanding of all grammar concepts in Latin. This course is aimed at helping students apply the grammar that they have learned to their translations.
What we will cover: In this class, we will practice translating passages from the Aeneid, Augustine, and the Bible.

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