Thursday, August 14, 2014

High School Modern European History

(click on course title to register)

Class dates: Wednesdays,  January 28 to May 20, 2015. No class Feb. 18th and Apr. 2nd
Total classes: 14
Starting time: 5:00 pm Eastern (4:00 Central; 3:00 Mountain; 2:00 Pacific)
Duration: 55 mins
Prerequisite: Recommended but not required: Rending of Christendom (Fall 2014 or Unlimited Access).
Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th grade. 9th to 10th grade students with above average reading and comprehension skills can also do well.
Suggested high school credit: 1 full semester History
Fee: $195 if you register on or before November 15, 2014 for all 14 classes. $220 if you register after Nov. 15th.
Instructor: Mr. Phillip Campbell
Course description: This class will acquaint students with the people, movements and events that have contributed to the formation of Modern Europe, defined as the period of the French Revolution to the present. Economic, political, military and ideological trends will be examined with an aim of helping students understand the problems of contemporary Europe and those areas once under European control.
Course outline:
Week 1: The Coming of the French Revolution: The crisis of 1789-1794 and the violent overthrow of the oldest monarchy in Christendom
Week 2: The Napoloenic Era: The rise and fall of the great dictator of the Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, and the influence of Napoleon's conquests on the development of Europe
Week 3: The Age of Metternich: The Holy Alliance and the conservative reaction following the Congress of Vienna
Week 4: The Age of Reform: Europe's cautious advance towards liberalism from 1830-1848
Week 5: War and Chaos: The post-Napoleonic peace breaks down in the revolutions of 1848 and the Crimean War
Week 6: Unification: Germany and Italy, torn asunder since the Middle Ages, struggle for unification
Week 7: The Imperialist Era: Britain, France, Italy and Germany race for empire and carve the world up among themselves
Week 8: The Great War: The last remnants of Christendom collapse in the blood and slaughter of the Great War
Week 9: Rise of the Dictators: The chaos of the Great War and the terms of Versailles lead to the rise of the totalitarian movements
Week 10: World War II: The democracies of the West engage in a fight to the death with the Fascist dictatorships
Week 11: The Cold War in Europe: In the wake of World War II, half of Europe is assimilated by the Communist empire of Russia
Week 12: Collapse of the Empires: The dissolution of the old colonial empires and the emergence of the Third World
Week 13: Europe's Socialist Experiments: The post-war west turns to socialism to solve their problems
Week 14: End of the Cold War: From 1989-1991 the failures of Communism lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellite states
Course materials: To be provided FREE by the instructor.
Homework: Homework will consist of textbook readings coupled with primary source readings provided by the instructor with weekly quizzes and occasional essays.

Instructor biography: Phillip Campbell holds a BA in European History from Ave Maria University and  a certificate in Secondary Education through Madonna University. He has a background as a Youth Director and RCIA instructor. He teaches history and Scripture for the St. Augustine Homeschool Enrichment Program. Mr. Campbell is the author of the popular fantasy-epic Tale of Manaeth. His writings have also appeared in such publications as St. Austin Review and The Distributist Review. Most recently, Mr. Campbell was elected Mayor of Howell, MI. Mr. Campbell and his wife of thirteen years homeschool their four children. Mr. Campbell teaches history, economics, and logic for Homeschool Connections.

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