Monday, October 26, 2009

Meet Wyoming Catholic

UPDATE: The webinar went fantastic! To view the recording of the event just go to Meet Wyoming Catholic College.

This is a busy week for Catholic College Month and I hope you're all up to it. You have the opportunity to meet three great Catholic colleges. Tonight is TAC, Thursday is Ave Maria, and sandwiched in between is Wyoming Catholic College.

If you've not yet heard of Wyoming Catholic, or just haven't explored deeply it as a possibility, I strongly encourage you to join us Wednesday evening. This is your opportunity to speak, listen, and learn.

Just click on the title below to register:

Session date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Starting time: 8:30 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (7:30 Central)
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Cost: FREE
Presenter: Mario Coccia

Learn about Wyoming Catholic College! Wyoming Catholic College is a four-year coeducational Catholic college whose primary educational objective is to offer a traditional liberal arts education that schools the whole person in all three dimensions—mind, body, and spirit. We accomplish this by immersing our students in the beauty of the outdoors, by introducing them to the wisdom of Western tradition and thought as found in the Great Books and Good Books of the past millennia, and by making the best of the Catholic spiritual heritage part of the rhythm of daily life in our close College community. Students graduate with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts.

This unique combination of educational spheres results in graduates who know there is truth and how to seek it, know how to think clearly and express their thoughts eloquently, know how to learn and expect to find delight in learning throughout their lives, and know how to attain a great measure of happiness by a moral life led in relationship with God.

Presenter's Biography:
After working many years in healthcare marketing in NY and NJ, Mario Coccia moved with my family to Austria to pursue advanced degrees in theology and was appointed Assistant Dean of that school. Mario joined WCC in 2007 and live in Wyoming with my wife and 5 children while completing a doctorate in theology.

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