Friday, November 13, 2009

How to Homeschool Children with Dyslexia

UPDATE: We all had a lovely time at the live event. If you missed it, you can still view the recording and gain a boatload of information on how to homeschool dyslexic children. The recorded webinar is free of course.

Homeschool Connections is excited to present Maureen Wittmann's upcoming webinar on how to teach children with dyslexia. We are able to bring this webinar to you at no charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors Ecce Homo Press and Franciscan University.

To register, please click on the title below:

Session date: Thursday, November 19, 2009
Starting time: 8:30 pm, Eastern Standard Time (7:30 Central)
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Presenters: Maureen Wittmann

This is the first in the God's Wildflowers series.

In this free webinar Maureen will share the story of her oldest son, now 20-years old. Told by public school officials that her severely dyslexic son would never read beyond the 4th grade level, she took matters in her own hands.

Learn how a 10-year old, struggling to learn to read, grew up to get straight A's in college.

Maureen will not only share her personal story but the methods she used to teach her son.

The phrase God's Wildflowers refers to learning disabled children. The name is a reflection of the beauty these children bring to our lives.

Presenter's biography:
Maureen Wittmann is married to Rob and is a homeschooling mother of 7 children who have always been homeschooled. She has a houseful of God's Wildflowers and is grateful for the opportunity to mother them.

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