Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Modern American History for High School

Update: This live course has concluded and is currently as a recorded course through our Unlimited Access Subscription Service. This is a great way to learn at your own pace when your schedule allows.To subscribe or learn more: Middle and High School Online Classes

While Early American history books and courses are easily available, it is harder to find them for Modern America. Here we will explore America's history after the Civil War ends and through the year 2000, all through a Catholic lens.

(click on course title to register)

Class dates: Wednesdays, September 7 to December 7, 2011. No class Oct. 12 (midterm) or Nov. 23 (Thanksgiving).
Total classes: 12
Starting time: 4:30 pm Eastern (3:30 Central)
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None. Any background in early American History helpful, but not required. The 2011 Summer Boot camp on the Great Depression is also helpful but not required.
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th
Fee: $160 if you register on or before August 1, 2011. $185 after Aug. 1 for all 12 classes
Instructor: Phillip Campbell
Course description: Beginning in the ashes of the Civil War, this course will take students through the industrial revolution and into modern America, helping them to understand complex events as the rise of American industrialism, the Great Depression, the Cold War, Vietnam War, cultural revolution of the 1960's, America's involvement in the Middle East and much more, all from a Catholic perspective.
Course outline:
Class 1: Reconstruction
Class 2: The Age of the Robber Barons
Class 3: The Closing of the West
Class 4: American Imperialism
Class 5: The Wilson Years
Class 6: Roaring Twenties
Class 7: The Age of FDR
Class 8: The American Dream
Class 9: The Cultural Revolution
Class 10: The Stagnant 70's
Class 11: Morning in America
Class 12: Transition to the Millennium
Course materials: Students will make use of primary documents to give a first-hand view of some of our country's most important events. These documents are available free online and will be provided by the instructor.
Homework: Graded and commented on by the instructor.

(click on course title to register)

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