Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Free Book Giveaway: Olivia and the Little Way

It's time for a Free Book Giveaway!!! I love free books!

We are giving away three copies, yes three copies, of Olivia and the Little Way by Nancy Carabio Belanger and illustrated by Sandra Casali LewAllen. This is a lovely chapter book about a fifth grade girl trying to follow St. Therese's Little Way even though it's not easy when you live in the real world. She's dealing with peer pressure and all those things that come with being a tween girl but when you have the Little Flower as a friend things are bound to come out well in the end.

You can enter the contest four different ways, increasing your chances of winning:

  1. Leave a comment here at the blog (below and make sure we know how to contact you). Tell us why you'd love to win this book or why you love Homeschool Connections.
  2. Leave a comment at our Facebook fan page,
  3. Follow us and then post about the contest @homeschoolcnnct on Twitter.
  4. Sign up for our e-newsletter. The sign up box is at the top right column of this blog.
Do all four to increase your chances to win!

Thank you's go to Hillside Education for providing the books. Make sure to visit their website as they have a lot of wonderful offerings for Catholic homeschool families.

Contest ends August 2, 2011 at noon Eastern. Winners will be chosen by a random drawing. Good luck!


  1. We would love a copy.. I've always wanted to read one of these books. Thank you for the kind opportunity! Very Cool!

  2. I would love to win this book for my two daughters when they get old enough to read it. Kids need solid, moral, Catholic literature.

    We all need encouragement in living the Little Way in the "real world" so I also look forward to reading it myeslf. :)

    Thank you!
    cathmom06 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. I would love to read this to my strong willed daughter.

    paulaerin (at)

  4. The Little Way is a great way to show kids that everything can be done with love!

    katherine.keys (at)

  5. We would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful book. I would love to have a copy!

  7. My daughter Therese is entering fifth grade and I would love for her to read this book!

  8. Thanks for the opportunity. This would be perfect for my sixth grade dd.

  9. I would love to win a copy of this book! St. Therese was the 1st saint I learned/read about when going through a big conversion. I have 4 girls and 4 boys (plus Baby) that I would love to read this to. I will always remember reading the story about St. Therese and Celine trying to have reason to 'pull a bead' when they were young and playing together.

  10. Oh, I wish you all could win! :-) God bless!

  11. I just found your program. What an answer to my prayers!! God bless you all!!!

  12. This is one has been on my wish list forever. I would love to read it with my daughter. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


  13. Today is the first time I've been on your blog. I must say that I'm really excited about it. I'm just beginning the homeschooling journey this year for my first son (kindergarten). This blog will be an awesome resource as I get through the years. And yes, or course I would LOVE to get a copy of this book!!!
    Thank you,

  14. I have 5 girls, so I'm sure this would be loved by all for years to come.
