Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Free Webinar: Homeschooling and Socialization

Refresh! Midwinter Virtual Conference
(click on webinar title to register)

I saw Mary Ellen give this talk at the CHAPLET Conference in New Jersey this last summer and it was quite excellent. She blew the myth of "What about socialization" right out of the water. This will be a great webinar for you to find encouragement and to be reminded that "socialization" is a reason TO homeschool.

One of the great things about our free webinars is their interactive nature. You make it unique with your questions and comments. So bring lots of them. Another plus is that they are all recorded -- you can share this event for years to come with friends and family.

Hope to see you there.

Date: Thursday, February 9, 2012
Starting time: 8:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (7:00 pm, Central)
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Presenter: Mary Ellen Barrett

Webinar description: Homeschoolers are often portrayed as socially crippled and abnormal. Mrs. Barrett will debunk the myths of the unsocialized homeschooler and show how the very things that make them weird to society makes them wonderful students, adults, and children of God.

Presenter's biography: Mary Ellen Barrett is a homeschooling mother of seven children. She is a longtime columnist for The Long Island Catholic and speaks on a variety of topics at conferences and parishes around the eastern part of the United States. She can be found blogging at Tales from the Bonny Blue House.

Note: Attendance is limited. If it fills up, you will be placed on a wait list. All webinars are recorded and made available for free viewing within 24 hours.

Refresh! Midwinter Virtual Conference
(click on webinar title to register)

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