Saturday, January 14, 2012

Free Webinar: Engaging the Culture as a Family

UPDATE: The date for this webinar has changed. Alicia's talk will take place Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

Refresh! Midwinter Virtual Conference
(click on webinar title to register)

I have had the honor of knowing Alicia Van Hecke for a good number of years. She is a pioneer in the Catholic homeschooling movement and has worked tirelessly to help her fellow homeschoolers. Her website Love 2 Learn is one of my favorite resources. Alicia's previous webinar Choosing Worthwhile Homeschool Materials was quite popular so I wouldn't wait too long to register for this one. I hope to see you there!

Date: Monday, February 20, 2012
Starting time: 8:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (7:00 pm Central)
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Presenter: Alicia VanHecke

Webinar description: As Catholic homeschool parents we are called to live out our witness before our children first; and then, as a family, live it out before the world. Mrs. Van Hecke will share her thoughts on forming children’s imaginations, providing optimal socialization, and inculcating a desire to serve, all through the lens of the Catholic faith and with an emphasis on teaching specific virtues. As a homeschooling mother herself, Mrs. Van Hecke shares her experience, humor, and natural eloquence in this presentation.

As with all of our webinars this is a live interactive event, so bring your questions and comments.

Presenter biography: Alicia Van Hecke is a homeschool graduate and the founder and editor of, a popular online resource guide for Catholic homeschoolers. After attending a Catholic elementary school, she was homeschooled for highschool went on to receive her B.A. in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College. She has experience teaching Math, History, Literature, Religion, Latin and Music and moderates a Junior Classical League Club for homeschooled teens. She and her husband, John, homeschool their five younger children (the oldest is in college) near Milwaukee Wisconsin. The whole family is heavily involved in their local parish where they all sing and John and Alicia are involved in the marriage preparation ministry. Her writings have appeared on numerous websites, as well as in Mater et Magistra Magazine, The Catholic Homeschool Companion [Sophia Institute Press] and in a long-running daily feature on Relevant Radio.

Note: Attendance is limited. If it fills up, you will be placed on a wait list. All webinars are recorded and made available for free viewing within 24 hours.

Refresh! Midwinter Virtual Conference
(click on webinar title to register)

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