Friday, August 10, 2012

Logic II: Advanced Formal Logic Online Classes

How to Turn Your Teenager into a Genius!


   Homeschool Connections currently offers Logic I: Introduction to Formal Logic as a recorded course through our Unlimited Access! service. Logic II: Advanced Logic is being offered as a live course starting this September.

   But why learn Formal Logic? One way to look at it is to think of it like weight training. It makes you stronger. That in turn makes getting around and doing even everyday things easier. Practicing formal logic helps you think more clearly. That in turn helps to bring clarity to even everyday discussions, from politics and religion to convincing a child to do his chores. Formal logic makes your thinking clearer, more accurate, and more robust.

 Here are all the details on Dr. Gotcher's upcoming Logic II: Advanced Formal Logic course:

Philosophy / Logic 
(click on course title to register)

Class dates: Thursdays, Sept. 13 to Dec. 13, 2012. No class Oct. 25 or Nov. 22.
Total classes: 12
Starting time: 10:00 am Eastern (9:00 Central)
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: Logic I: Introduction to Formal Logic (Unlimited Access!) or equivalent.
Suggested grade level: 10th to 12th
Suggested high school credit: 1 full semester
Fee: $175 for all 12 classes.
Instructor: Robert F. Gotcher, Ph.D.
Course description: This course continues the exploration of formal logic begun in the "Introduction to Formal Logic" course. It looks closely at a wide variety of syllogism. such as Enthymemes, conditional, disjunctive, conjunctive, polysyllogisms, sorites, and dilemmas. Examples are taken from famous philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, and Hume.
Course materials: Traditional Logic, Book II: Advanced Formal Logic (Classical Trivium Core Series) by Martin Cothran (Jun 1, 2000) and Traditional Logic II, Key by Martin Cothran (Jun 1, 2008).  See Emmanuel Books for ordering information.
Homework: Assigned exercises to be graded by Dr. Gotcher. Or do all the exercises, self-graded. 

Instructor's biography: Dr. Gotcher is an independent educator and scholar. He has taught at a major seminary, graduate and undergraduate students, lay ministry students, diaconal candidates, and high school students, both online and in the classroom. He and his wife, Kathy, are raising their seven children in Franklin, Wisconsin. Dr. Gotcher has been actively involved in the homeschooling of his children, especially in the junior and high school years. He has taught Latin, literature, physics, astronomy, and religion to homeschooled students. He has a special devotion to the classical trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, especially as they pertain to the written arts. Dr. Gotcher graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a B.A. in the Program of Liberal Studies. He received his M.A. in Theology of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and his Ph.D. from Marquette University. Dr. Gotcher teaches literature, theology, writing and logic.

Equipment requirements: Students are required to have high-speed internet and a headset with microphone.
Misc: Dr. Gotcher will be available via email in between classes for questions and comments.
Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months.
Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping services.

Philosophy / Logic 
(click on course title to register)

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