Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ancient Roman History for Middle School

We have added a second middle school history course for the spring semester.

(click on course title to register)

Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade: 6th to 8th grade
Dates: Tuesdays, February 12 to May 7, 2013. No class March 26.
Number of classes: 12
Duration: 45 minutes
Fee: $160 if you register on or before December 1, 2012. $180 after Dec. 1st
Course description: This middle school class will trace the origins and development of the Roman people from their birth as an iron age tribe on the banks of the Tiber to their emergence as a world empire. Besides conventional history, the course will also look at the cultural life of the Romans (religion, art, literature) as well as show how the early Church was born out of the Roman milieu of the first, second and third centuries. Towards the last few weeks, Roman history and Church history fuse together as the world transitions from Rome to the Middle Ages.

Course outline:
Week 1: The Dawn of Rome: An assessment of the Etruscan and Greek cultures and their contribution to Rome, as well as a look at Rome's early history, both historical and mythological, through the time of the Founding of the Republic.
Week 2: The Conquest of Italy: Tracing Rome's path of conquest from its days as a small City-State to its domination of the Italian peninsula.
Week 3: Punic Wars: How Rome's expansion brought it into conflict with the maritime power of Carthage, leading to the greatest conflict of the ancient world: the Punic Wars
Week 4: Dissolution of the Republic: Rome is master of Europe, but her power has corrupted her Republican government and the Republic fails amidst the jealousies and quarrels of rival generals.
Week 5: The Julio-Claudians: Peace is restored under Augustis, the grand-nephew of Julius Caesar, who inaugurates one of the most bizarre and memorable ruling dynasties in world history.
Week 6: The Antonines: Synopsis of the century of peace under the 'Five Good Emperors.'
Week 7: Roman Culture, Religion and Society: An in depth study of Roman cultural customs relating to marriage, war, peace, commerce, slavery and much more.
Week 8: Crisis of the Third Century: The near-collapse of the Empire in the third century leaves Rome in a precarious position and ready for thje transformation that will be brought about by Diocletian, the most ambitious emperor since Trajan.
Week 9: The Glory of Constantine: The Great Persecution and subsquent legalization of the Christian Church under Constantine.
Week 10: Church and Empire: The great struggle between Church and Paganism as the Empire slowly becomes Catholic and the barbarians begin to flood in.
Week 11: The End is the Beginning: A look at the tumultuous fifth century, as the western empire crumbles and falls while the east moves out of the Latin sphere permanently.
Week 12: The Roman Contribution: despite the efforts of Justinian, the west is lost forever; yet the imperial ideal will never die, and in Rome's demise the new civil

Course materials: The Romans by Anthony Kamm
Homework: Homework will consist of readings from the text, primary sources provided online, and online quizzes done weekly. Plan on at least 1 to 2 hours per week.

Instructor biography: Phillip Campbell holds a BA in European History from Ave Maria University and a license in Secondary Education through Madonna University (2010) with majors in Social Studies and English. He has a background in youth ministry and currently teaches history for the St. Augustine Homeschool Enrichment Program, as well as Homeschool Connections. Mr. Campbell and his wife of eleven years home school their four children. He is also Mayor of his hometown of Howell, MI. Mr. Campbell teaches history and economics.

(click on course title to register)

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