Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thomistic Philosophy: Independent Learning

Thomism? Thomistic Philosophy? Natural Theology? Sounds awful lofty doesn't it? Surely too heady for a high school student!

We invite you to think again as you read these comments from our Thomistic Philosophy students from the Fall 2012 semester ...
  • "To me, Thomas Aquinas always seemed like a very advanced kind of theology. Only scholars ever read him. I was surprised to find how readable he was, and how simple many of his teachings were. The content was so informative." 
  • "I have gone from a person who was ignorant of Thomistic Philosophy to a junior Thomist." 
  • "Mr. Palmer explained Aquinas very clearly. He used lots of examples and pictures to reinforce points, and it made the material seem relevant to the modern world." 
  • "The Summa Theologica seemed boring to me before and now I have a much better understanding of it and I think I will read the Summa just for fun now." 
  • "I love the Summa now and the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas." 
  • "The homework was very hard but it made me think differently about things in a wonderful way. Mr. Palmer, in my opinion, is a genius when it comes to explaining Thomas and the Summa." 
  • "The homework for this class was very good. Mr. Palmer was enthusiastic and knowledgable. He made things easy to understand, and he was a great teacher!" 
  • "If I didn't have a good grasp of something, it was sure to come out when I did the homework. It forced me to really understand the material so I could summarize it." 
  • "I would like you to make Mr. Palmer do several more follow-up classes. He is a great teacher and this has been my favorite class I have ever taken." 
  • "Thank you Mr. Palmer and HSC!"
Have we convinced you that philosophy can indeed be accessible to teens? Even enjoyable? If so, here is the good news ... Mr. Palmer's course on Thomistic Philosophy will be available as a recorded course through our Unlimited Access! service starting in January. To sign up click here: Unlimited Access!

More good news! If you prefer live, interactive courses Dr. Rioux is teaching Philosophy of God starting in January. Click here to register or learn more: Natural Theology; Philosophy of God

1 comment:

  1. this is exciting. my wife and i want to homeschool kids when we have them. i went to public school and read the Summa during study hall. my priest brother helped me out with it. it kept me sane.
