Wednesday, July 17, 2013

History Classes Online for Fall

Homeschool Connections has a great selection of history courses for middle and high school students. Below you'll find details for all of the live, interactive courses currently open for registration.

Also note that we have much more available through Unlimited Access (recorded, independent-learning courses) from Ancient Rome to Modern American. You can learn more here: Catholic Homeschool Online Classes.

Now for the Fall 2013 live, interactive courses ...

(click on course title to register)
UPDATE: This course is full and closed for registration. All other history courses for Fall 2013 are still open for registration (see below).
Notes: Registration for this course is limited to 20 students.
This course will be followed in the Spring with History (Middle School) World War II; Allies vs. Axis. 
 Class dates: Tuesdays, September 24 to November 26, 2013 
Total classes: 10 
Starting time: 1:00 PM Eastern (Noon Central) 
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None 
Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade 
Fee: $140 if you register on or before August 1, 2013. $160 if you register after Aug. 1st for all 10 classes. 
Instructor: Alison Stanley, JD 
Course description: World War One was known at the time as the Great War. It was the War to End All Wars. However, little was won and much was lost. We will explore the events leading up the World War I, famous generals and battles and any relevant legal issues that arose in America during this time period. 
Course materials: Provided free online or by the instructor. 
Homework: Original sources and legal documents will be reviewed, as well as short videos watched and analyzed. All homework graded by the instructor.

(click on course title to register)

Note: This is Part One of a 2-part course. Students are expected to register for Part Two in the spring.
Class dates: Mondays, September 9 to December 2, 2013. No class October 21st 
Total classes: 12 
Starting time: 1:00 PM Eastern (Noon Central) 
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None 
Suggested grade level: 8th  to 10th grade 
Suggesting high school credit: 1 full semester 
Fee: $160 if you register on or before August 1, 2013. $180 after Aug. 1st for all 12 classes.
Instructor: Christopher Zehnder, MA 
Course description: This course examines how the Modern World --- our world --- came to be. It looks at the revolutionary ideas that created, first in Europe and then the entire world, an understanding of man and his relationship to God, the Church, and the state that was in many respects radically different from the understanding of these things that prevailed in the Middle Ages. Ideas influence deeds, and thus the course examines historical events, showing how they flowed from the struggle between those who held to traditional conceptions and those who embraced the new ideas. Events influence ideas, and thus we study how the events of history helped modify and develop both the new ideas and the traditional vision of the world. The course is divided into two parts. Part I (first semester) begins with the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries and concludes with the attempt, steered by Prince Klemens von Metternich, to reestablish the ancient regime after the fall of Napoleon's empire. Part II (second semester) continues the story, beginning with a study of Romanticism and concluding with Vatican II and the post-conciliar world.
Course materials: The text for the course (both Part One and Part Two) is Light to the Nations II: The Making of the Modern World, published by and available from 
Homework: Students will read assigned portions of the text. Lectures will focus on those events and ideas that are the keys for understanding the historical periods under consideration. The teacher will evaluate the students by essay tests given after Week III, Week V, and Week VII. Thereafter, evaluation will be based on student's responses to questions in class.

(click on course title to register)

Note: This course will be followed in the Spring with History (Middle School) The Glory of Ancient Greece.
Class dates: Thursdays, September 12 to December 12, 2013. No classes October 31st nor Nov. 28th.
Total classes: 12 
Starting time: 4:30 PM Eastern (3:30 Central) 
Duration: 45 minutes
Prerequisite: None 
Suggested grade level: 7th to 8th 
Fee: $175 if your register on or before August 1, 2013. $195 after Aug. 1st for all 12 classes
Instructor: Phillip Campbell 
Course description: This foundational course in world history will introduce students to the world's first great civilizations. Focus will be on Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and Persia, but we will also briefly visit ancient Anatolia, Assyria, India and Palestine. Students will learn about the material culture, political history, intellectual life, religious customs and contributions of each society to the advancement of civilization. In addition, ancient religions will be critically examined in their negative elements as perversions of natural law and in their positive elements as preparatio evangeli, preparations for the Gospel. 
Course materials: The Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Payne, available online here, as well as The Usborne Book of the Ancient World, also available online here, probably for a cent. Primary documents provided online free by the instructor.
Homework: Weekly quizzes, weekly readings, with an essay-style Final Exam. All homework graded by the instructor. Estimated commitment: 2-3 hours per week.

(click on course title to register)

Note: This course will be followed in the Spring with History (High School) The Glory of Ancient Greece.
Class dates: Wednesdays, September 11 to December 11, 2013. No classes October 30th nor Nov. 27th. 
Total classes: 12 
Starting time: 4:30 PM Eastern (3:30 Central) 
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None. Recommended but not required: Foundations of Christian Historiography and Archaeological Survey of the Old and New Testaments (currently available as recorded courses through Unlimited Access.) 
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th  grade 
Suggested high school credit: 1 full semester
Fee: $175 if you register on or before August 1, 2013. $195 after Aug. 1st  for all 12 classes 
Instructor: Phillip Campbell 
Course description: This foundational course in world history will introduce students to the world's first great civilizations. Focus will be on Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and Persia, but we will also briefly visit ancient Anatolia, Assyria, India and Palestine. Students will learn about the material culture, political history, intellectual life, religious customs and contributions of each society to the advancement of civilization. In addition, ancient religions will be critically examined in their negative elements as perversions of natural law and in their positive elements as preparatio evangeli, preparations for the Gospel. 
Course materials: The Anvil of Civilization by Leonard Cottrell, available on Amazon here. Most copies are less than $1.00. Additional primary source documents provided online free by the instructor.
Homework: Weekly quizzes, weekly readings, with an essay-style Final Exam. All homework graded by the instructor. Estimated commitment: 2-3 hours per week.

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