Friday, August 30, 2013

Mondays with Mary by Meredith Henning

 NOTE: Meredith Henning's (autographed!) book is part of THE Ultimate Catholic Homeschool Giveaway!

Mondays with Mary is a wonderful collection of devotions, crafts, and recipes for Marian themed teatimes. Meredith does a beautiful job of helping parents introduce our Blessed Mother to children in a natural, positive way.

Meredith writes:
When we first began spending some time on Mondays with Mary, I was elated to discover such a joyous, engaged response from my children. While this was not their first exposure to Marian devotion, my previous approach (during school time) was not only met with boredom, but also led to discouragement on my part. Mary, I realized, is not someone to learn about; she is someone to yearn for. She is not a project to be finished and then put away; she is a cherished gift from God, a refuge for us to turn to again and again. She is Our Heavenly Mother.
We had always prayed the family rosary in the evening; we had prayed litanies and novenas and carried out many May coronations. We marveled at the birth of Our Lord and at the fiat of His mother . . . but we needed more. I needed more. We needed something special and focused, something that would instill a deep and faithful devotion to Our Blessed Mother in all of us. And so “Mondays with Mary” was born. This book represents a collection of ideas for you and your family to try this practice of spending time reflecting on the life and heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
We, as parents, are our children’s guides to her world; we just need to open the window to it . . . Let us go to Jesus through Mary.
~ Meredith Henning
You can find ordering information or learn more by clicking here: Mondays with Mary [Hillside Education]

Thank you Meredith for donating two autographed copies of your book to The Ultimate Catholic Homeschool Giveaway.


  1. Thank you Maureen, so glad to be part of this great Giveaway!!

  2. Thank you for offering so much to the Homeschool families!--God bless you!

  3. I own this book, and it's very inspiring and easy to integrate into our daily Catholic living!

  4. I have been wanting to read this book for so long and to use it as a resource...
