Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vocabulary and Writing for High School

If you are looking for a college-preparatory course that will help your high school student be successful, the following course is an excellent start. Students learn all of the upper-level vocabulary needed for advanced writing, AP English Language and Composition courses, and the ACT / SAT. Each week, student have writing practice with the vocabulary words. Students also learn memorization tools that will assist them in other subjects as well as vocabulary. 

The course is broken into two segments, which can be taken individually or together, and in any order. For the spring semester, the course can be taken on Thursday or Friday:

(click on course title to register)
Class dates: Fridays, January 10 to April 25, 2014. No class Feb. 28 and April 18.
Total classes: 14
Starting time: 10:30 am Eastern Time (9:30 Central)
Duration: 45 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade
Suggested high school credit: 1 full semester writing
Fee: $180 if you register on or before November 1, 2013. $200 after Nov. 1st for all 14 classes.
Instructor: Sharon Hamric-Weis, JD
Course description: In this course (the first of two successive courses), your student will learn to use all of the upper-level vocabulary words related to writing that are needed for high school advanced writing, Advanced Placement (AP) English Language and Composition courses, the ACT and SAT, advanced writing courses, and all of college writing—and an introduction of the concepts associated with the terms.. Over 350 words will be learned and practiced this semester. Course work will be simple yet critical for your student’s future success. Because vocabulary is the #1 indicator of success on college entrance testing, if you want your student to not only score well on testing but also be able to be prepared for college writing and vocabulary, this course is for you.
Course outline:
Class 1: Writing for a Purpose and Audience
Class 2: Worldview, Critical Thinking, & Passive/Active Voice
Class 3: Writing Effective Sentences; Diction & Syntax
Class 4: Writing Effective Paragraphs: Structure, Linear Writing, Active writing, Transitions and Connectives
Class 5: Punctuation and its Effect on Writing
Class 6: Grammar, Usage, & Mechanics for Clarity
Class 7: Types of Writing
Class 8: Point of View, Tone, & Voice
Class 9: Style
Class 10: Techniques & Devices of Organization for Coherence
Class 11: More Techniques & Devices of Organization
Class 12: Composing Methods
Class 13: Characteristics of an Effective Argument
Class 14: Research Methods
Course materials: Word 2007 or later version. eBook: Simplified Vocabulary Guide by E. B. Conroy (Not yet available from the publisher. Students will be notified upon publication. If not available in time for the course, it will be made available to student free of charge as PDF files).
Homework: Studying for tests on the vocabulary identification and use.

(click on course title to register)
NOTE: If you did not take Part One first, you can still take Part Two; The two courses can be taken independently and in any order (Part One first, Part Two second OR Part Two first, Part One second)
Class dates: Thursdays, January 9 to April 10, 2014
Total classes: 14
Starting time: 2:00 PM Eastern (1:00 Central)
Duration: 45 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade
Suggested high school credit: 1 full semester Writing
Fee: $180 if you register on or before Nov. 1, 2013. $200 after Nov. 1st for all 14 classes.
Instructor: E B Conroy, MA
Course description: In this course (the second of two successive courses), your student will learn to use all of the upper-level vocabulary words related to writing that are needed for high school advanced writing, Advanced Placement (AP) English Language and Composition courses, the ACT and SAT, advanced writing courses, and all of college writing—and an introduction of the concepts associated with the terms. Over 350 words will be learned and practiced this semester. Course work will be simple yet critical for your student’s future success. Because vocabulary is the #1 indicator of success on college entrance testing, if you want your student to not only score well on testing but also be able to be prepared for college writing and vocabulary, this course is for you.
Course outline:
Class 1: Persuasion; Sources, Citations, & Plagiarism
Class 2: Research
Class 3: Critical Reading; Literary Forms & Genres I
Class 4: Literary Forms & Genres II
Class 5: Themes in Writing
Class 6: Rhetoric & Literary Techniques
Class 7: Rhetoric, Figures of Speech, & Devices I
Class 8: Rhetoric, Figures of Speech, & Devices II
Class 9: Narration; Dissecting Passages of Text I
Class 10: Description; Dissecting Passages of Text II
Class 11: Illustration, Exemplification, & Highly Effective Essays
Class 12: Comparison & Contrast in Writing
Class 13: Process Analysis & Context
Class 14: Division & Classification; Writing Cogent, Organized Essays I
Course materials: Word 2007 or later version. eBook: Simplified Vocabulary Guide by E. B. Conroy (Not yet available from the publisher. Students will be notified upon publication. If not available in time for the course, it will be made available to student free of charge as PDF files).
Homework: Studying for tests on the vocabulary identification and use.

We hope you'll take advantage of these terrific college-preparatory courses and give your student the tools to excel. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions at

Please note that Part ONE will be available as a recorded course through Unlimited Access in January, 2014. Part TWO will be available in June 2014 as a recorded course.

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