Sunday, October 14, 2012

Advanced Catholic Apologetics for High School

(click on course title to register)

Class dates: Wednesdays, Jan. 23 to Apr. 10, 2013. No class Feb. 13 and Mar. 27.
Total classes: 10
Starting time: 10:00 am Eastern (9:00 Central)
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Prerequisite: Defending the Bible in the Modern World, Introduction to Apologetics, Apologetics Boot Camp, OR equivalent.
Suggested grade level: 9th to 11th
Suggested high school credit: 1 full semester with extra reading.
Fee: $140 if you register on or before Nov. 1, 2012. $160 after Nov. 1 for all 10 classes
Instructor: Gary Michuta
Course description: Learn how the Protestant Reformation happened in Europe and England, the major divisions within Protestantism, what are their major objections to Catholicism and how to answer them.
Course outline:
Class 1: Martin Luther and the birth of Protestantism in Germany
Class 2: Justification by Faith Alone, Purgatory (objections, answers, mock dialog)
Class 3: The Birth of Reformed Protestantism (Calvin, Zwingli)
Class 4: Real Presence in the Eucharist / Sacrifice of the Mass / Priesthood (objections, answers)
Class 5: Radical Reformation (Anabaptists / Baptists)
Class 6: Baptism, Confession (objections, answers, mock dialog)
Class 7: The English "Reformation" (Anglican / Episcopalians)
Class 8: Papacy and Apostolic Succession (objections, answers)
Class 9: Non-denominationalism, restoration movements, and mega-churches
Class 10: How to Share and Defend Your Faith Without Making Enemies

Course materials: All reading provided FREE by Mr. Michuta. For those who want to delve deeper into the subject, Mr. Michuta recommends: The Gospel According to James McCarthy by Gary Michuta [Grotto Press] and Catholicism and Fundamentalism by Karl Keating [Ignatius Press].
Homework: Weekly quizzes graded by the instructor.
Note: Mr. Michuta will also teach Making Sense of Mary: Biblical Background for Marian Apologetics  in the spring semester.

Instructor's biography: Gary Michuta is the author of Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger: Did the Catholic Church Add Books to the Bible? and How to Wolf-Proof Your Kids: A Practical Guide to Keeping Your Kids Catholic. Mr. Michuta's newest book Making Sense of Mary is due for release in a few months. Mr. Michuta was also the co-host of the radio show Hands on Apologetics Live. He is a frequent guest on various Catholic radio and television shows, and he also worked as an uncredited consultant for Steve Ray’s Footsteps of God video series. Since 2003, Mr. Michuta has developed apologetic material for the Eastern Church Re-Evangelization Commission (E.C.R.C) to aid the Chaldean Catholic Dioceses. Gary currently offers classes on Apologetics to Catholic parishes around the country.

(click on course title to register)

Equipment requirements: Classes are online, live and interactive. Students are required to have high-speed internet and a headset with microphone.
Misc: Mr. Michuta will be available via email or phone in between classes for questions and comments.
Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months.
Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping services.

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