Wednesday, October 3, 2012

High School Apologetics: Marian Theology

NOTE: This live, interactive course is completed. HOWEVER, it is now available as a recorded course through Unlimited Access. Click here now to learn more: Unlimited Access to Catholic Homeschooling Online Courses (Independent Learning).

(click on course title to register) 

Total classes: 10
Starting time: 10 am Eastern Time (9:00 am Central)
Dates: Jan. 17 to Mar. 21
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 10th to 12th grade
Suggested high school credit: 1 semester credit with extra reading
Fee: $120
Instructor: Gary Michuta
Course description: Making Sense of Mary is not your average apologetics class. Instead of memorizing proof-texts, we are going to uncover how Scripture and the early Christians understood Mary’s role in God’s perfect plan of redemption beginning in Genesis with Adam, Eve, and the Serpent and tracing the prophetic echoes of that event all the way to the Book of Revelation. We’ll see why Mary plays such an important and indispensible role in God’s plan. How the Kingdom of David sheds light on Mary’s mission both on earth and in Heaven. How being members of the Body of Christ affects our relationship to Mary and finally what the “Woman clothed with the sun” in Revelation 12 tells us about Mary and our battle against the Evil One. The class will be based on Gary Michuta’s upcoming book, Making Sense of Mary.
Course outline:
Class 1: The Temptation and Fall of Adam and Eve
Class 2: Mary’s Role in God’s Perfect Plan of Salvation
Class 3: The First Gospel
Class 4: Old Testament Prophecies about Mary
Class 5: Mary: The Queen mother of the Kingdom
Class 6: One Christ: Head and Body
Class 7: Daughter Zion
Class 8: The Woman of Revelation 12
Class 9: Apologetics
Class 10: Who were the “brothers of the Lord”?

Course materials: Making Sense of Mary by Gary Michuta (Grotto Press)
Homework: Weekly reading assignments.
Special note: Mr. Michuta will also teach Advanced Apologetics in the spring semester.

Instructor's biography: Gary Michuta is the author of Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger: Did the Catholic Church Add Books to the Bible? and How to Wolf-Proof Your Kids: A Practical Guide to Keeping Your Kids Catholic. Mr. Michuta's newest book is Making Sense of Mary Mr. Michuta was also the co-host of the radio show Hands on Apologetics Live. He is a frequent guest on various Catholic radio and television shows, and he also worked as an uncredited consultant for Steve Ray’s Footsteps of God video series. Since 2003, Mr. Michuta has developed apologetic material for the Eastern Church Re-Evangelization Commission (E.C.R.C) to aid the Chaldean Catholic Dioceses. Gary currently offers classes on Apologetics to Catholic parishes around the country.

(click on course title to register)

Equipment requirements: Classes are online, live and interactive. Students are required to have high-speed internet and a headset with microphone.
Misc: Mr. Michuta will be available via email or phone in between classes for questions and comments. Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months. Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping services.

Other theology courses offered by Homeschool Connections for the spring 2013 semester (click on course titles to learn more):
Advanced Catholic Apologetics with Gary Michuta
Theology of the Body; How Shall I Live (Moral Theology) with Monica Ashour
Natural Theology: Philosophy of God with Dr. Jean Rioux

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