Monday, March 18, 2013

High School Economics and Catholic Social Teaching

Homeschool Connections has opened registration for this short economics course, which will take place in July. Whether you are looking for a basic introduction with a Catholic ethos or a solid foundation for future economics studies, this is the class to take.

(click on course title to register)

Class dates: Monday through Thursday, July 8 to July 11, 2013
Total classes: 4
Starting time: 4:30 pm Eastern
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th grade, but all enthusiastic high school students are welcomed.
Fee: $50 for all four classes (course materials included)
Instructor: Mr. Phillip Campbell
Course description: Introduction to the Church's social teaching on man, economy and the state, studying the benefits and pitfalls of the modern economy through the lens of Catholic Tradition.
Course outline:
Day 1: Catholic teaching on man and our duties to society and our neighbor
Day 2: Synopsis of the teachings in the Catholic Social Enyclicals
Day 3: Belloc and Chesteron
Day 4: Modern efforts at implementing the Church's social teaching
Course materials: Provided free online by instructor
Homework: Light reading, plus a comprehensive exam at the conclusion of the week

(click on course title to register)

NOTE: Students wishing to prepare for the 2013/2014 School Year can also take advantage of our Unlimited Access! program. These are recorded courses that can be taken at your own pace on your own schedule. Unlimited Access! is an independent-learning program that gives your whole family unlimited access to over 124 courses, including several designed for summer learning.
          Mr. Campbell offers a 12-week economics course through Unlimited Access: Economics As If People Matter (Micro and Macro Economics). It is recommended that students of the Economics Summer Boot Camp follow up with Economics As if People Matter.

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