Saturday, March 16, 2013

Life Skills for Teens: Note Taking and Getting an A+

We all want to help our children become strong and confident students. One important step in succeeding in high school is to have strong note taking and test taking skills. Homeschool Connections, along with Professor Erin Brown Conroy, has developed a course for your teen. We want to give him or her what is needed to be able to study for any high school level course with success and get straight A's.

When we originally opened this course for registration it filled up right away and went to wait list. For this reason, we've added a second day so that everyone has a chance to learn these important skills.

(click on course title to register) 

Class dates: Thursdays, April 4 to 25, 2013
Total classes: 4 Starting time: 3:30 pm Eastern (2:30 Central, 1:30 Mountain, 12:30 Pacific)
Duration: 50 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 7th to 11th
Fee: $55 for all 4 classes.
Instructor: E. B. Conroy, MA
Course description: This course is designed to help your student become strong, confident, and able to study for any high school level course with success.
Course outline:
Class 1: Active listening and how to take notes effectively
Class 2: Active reading and how to study effectively
Class 3: Critical reading skills for comprehension
Class 4: Test-taking in a timed setting
Course materials: All materials provided free from the instructor
Homework: This is a lecture course with approximately 2 hours of outside-of-class work per week.

Equipment requirements: Classes are online, live, and interactive. Students are required to have a computer, high-speed internet, and a headset with microphone, which can be found as cheap as $12.
Professor Brown Conroy will be available via email or phone in between classes for questions and comments.
Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months.
Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping services.

(click on course title to register) 

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