Monday, September 5, 2011

American Government for Homeschoolers

Update: This live course has concluded and is available now as a recorded course through our Unlimited Access! Service. This is a great way to learn at your own pace when your schedule allows. To subscribe or learn more: Middle and High School Catholic Online Classes

Advanced American Government will be starting a week later than originally scheduled.  So, if you'd like to join us, there is still time. While it is recommended that students take Mr. Rivet's introductory government course first, it is not required. Any student with a basic understanding of government and has a desire to learn and work can handle this course. They may have to go back and fill in a detail or two to help make sense of a few things, but much of the material stands alone. So, Government I is not critical to doing well. We hope to see at noon Eastern on Friday, September 16th!

And now, introducing Mr. Rivet, our government instructor. (Make sure to watch to the end for a good laugh!)

Note: This is a FREE course. We only ask that you come to class with the same commitment you would come with if you had to pay the regular $140 fee.

To learn more: Advanced American Government for Catholic Homeschoolers

To register: Advanced American Government with Mr. Rivet

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