Homeschool Connections is branching out. We are very excited to announce our newest venture, Aquinas Connections which now offers courses designed just for adults. Our first course is with none other than Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., President of Ignatius Productions who is best known for his appearances on EWTN television and radio. This course is limited to 30 attendees so don't wait too long to register (click on the title below).
Course dates: Mondays, August 2 to September 13, 2010. No class Sept. 6 due to Labor Day holiday.
Total classes: 6
Starting time: 9:30 pm, Eastern (8:30 pm. Central)
Duration: 1 hour
Fee: $125 for all six classes
Instructor: Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
Course description:
In Luke 9:51 Jesus sets his face toward Jerusalem, and mention of his destination is repeated in 13:22, 17:11, and 18:34, with allusions to the journey in 9:57, 10:38, 11:53, 14:25. This journey links the beginning of Christ’s public ministry with its purpose in his death and resurrection. During this Year of Cycle C Readings, the Church presents readings from this unit of the Gospel, from the Thirteenth through the Thirtieth Sundays in Ordinary Time. It is easy to hear each episode during the Sunday readings, but that would miss seeing the unity of these episodes and their function within the message of the whole Gospel. This course will limit itself to examining the Journey to Jerusalem. While the individual units of the Gospel will be examined in as much detail as is possible, the focus will be on making the links between each unit and the theme of the Journey, as well as the connections with other parts of the Gospel of St. Luke.
Course materials: A Catholic Bible. To enjoy this course completely, a careful reading of Luke 9:51-18:34 before the first class is recommended.
Optional materials: Here are some popular commentaries on St. Luke recommended by Fr. Pacwa if you would like to have some aids:
The Human face of Jesus: Meditation and Commentary on the Gospel of Luke (out of print but available for as little as $1 used).
Luke: A Devotional Commentary (out of print but available for as little as $2.25 used).
A more technical (some knowledge of Greek would be useful), yet quite excellent, commentary: John Nolland,
Luke 9:21-18:34 Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas, Texas: Word Books, Publisher 1993).
Equipment requirements: Students are required to have high-speed internet. A
headset with microphone is recommended. If you don't have a headset, you at least need speakers.
Availability of recorded classes: Recordings of classes are provided to students within 24 hours and available for 6 months for your review. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the recording and/or course contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
Instructor's biography:
Father received his B.A. in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Detroit, summa cum laude. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1976 with the Society of Jesus and then continued his studies and received his Master of Divinity and S.T.B. from the Jesuit School of Theology of Loyola University, magna cum laude. At Vanderbilt University, he received his Master of Arts, Ph.D. in Old Testament. Father Pacwa is fluent in twelve languages and has a unique understanding of the peoples and cultures of the Middle East.
He has taught at the high school, university, and seminary levels. Being a well-known biblical scholar, he has lectured at hundreds of conferences and churches around the world. He is best known for his appearances on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), where he currently hosts two programs – “Threshold of Hope” and “EWTN LIVE.” Father Pacwa also serves as the weekly host of EWTN Radio “OPEN LINE” program.
In the year 2000, Father Pacwa established
Ignatius Productions, a Catholic media production apostolate, whose mission is to teach people the scriptures, educate Catholics about their Faith, and promote unity and understanding within the Mystical Body of Christ. Father has recently announced that Ignatius Productions will raise funds for a much needed unique ten part documentary on the history of the Reformation. Check out www.fathermitchpacwa.org to see a short preview.
Father Mitch Pacwa appears courtesy of
Ignatius Productions to share with you his knowledge of scripture and the Church. Father Pacwa’s teachings and travels are available as CDs and DVDs on his web site at www.fathermitchpacwa.org. There you’ll find a list of all his available teachings, his calendar of upcoming events, free PACWACASTS as well as information about his video production company. You may also sign up for his
monthly newsletter that brings you Father Pacwa's “Words of Wisdom” on a variety of subjects.